Enhancing Academic Growth for Learners Everywhere
How does this work?
Boom Card decks designed for this program
The Boom Cards are introduced in
bundles starting with letter
identification and number identification
to build skills from the ground up and
decks are assigned in sequential order.
Perfect independent practice activity -
provides limitless verbal and visual
Students are able to independently
practice skills with limitless verbal and
visual feedback. The Boom Card format
provides errorless learning by removing
incorrect responses after answer is
submitted and giving multiple
opportunities to choose correct response.
Progress is monitored with reports of use
and performance updated weekly and
available to parents and activities are
updated during the month based
appropriately on performance. Review
decks are also assigned to help maintain
skills once mastered.
Click Program for More Information:
Rapidly teaches alphabetic ordering skills while encouraging chunking
to aid in memorization and promote flexibility in application. Once
mastered, students no longer need to start at the beginning of the
alphabet to alphabetize. Includes uppercase and lowercase decks
addressing assessment and filling in missing letters within chunked
A fun letter match drag and drop activity that teaches keyboarding!
Letters are presented in alphabetical order at the top of the screen
and are dropped onto their appropriate match on a qwerty
keyboard below. Includes 4 ways to match: Uppercase to
Uppercase, Lowercase to Lowercase, Uppercase to Lowercase and
Lowercase to Uppercase.
Teaches letter-sound correspondence by combining discrete trials
with errorless learning to allow for independent successful practice.
Letters are presented in a field of 4 and the student clicks on the
letter that matches the targeted sound. Students can hear the letter
repeated by clicking on the seal. Uppercase or lowercase sets are
Alphabet Discrete Trial Bundle teaches letter recognition. Each 10-
card Deck introduces one letter in random rotation on the cards. The
letters are presented in a field of 4 and the student clicks on the
targeted letter. Students can hear the letter repeated by clicking on
the seal. Uppercase and lowercase sets are available.
Move and Count allows students to quickly master counting using
one-to-one correspondence. Students are shown a card that contains
a number with a variety of draggable shapes which are moved to
equal the number dispalyed on the card. Decks address numbers 1-5,
numbers 1-10, numbers 11-20 and numbers 1-20.
Count and Match allow students to quickly master counting stationary
objects. Students count the number of shapes and select the
corresponding numeral. Decks address numbers 1-5, numbers 1-10,
numbers 11-20 and numbers 1-20.
Numeral Recognition allows students to master recognition of
numerals by sound. This program combines discrete trials with
errorless learning to allow for independent successful practice of
numerals 0-9 in a fun app-like format.
Uppercase letter, lowercase letter, numeral
and sound identifiication decks have a
spoken prompt of one letter, numeral or
sound spoken prompt which student
identifies from a choice of 4 by typing the
correct response. Prompt can be repeated
by clicking the seal at the top of the card.
Students quickly develop their skills
through the systematic repetition of the
decks. The move and count and the count
and match series decks address number 0-
5, 0-10, 0-15, 0-20.